Employee Practices Liability is protection for your
business against current and former employees who
Sexual Harassment
Unfair termination practices
Age Discrimination
Gender Discrimination
Gender Discrimination
Disability Discrimination, and many others
An employer is more likely to have an
Employee Practices Lawsuit than a General Liability or property claim!
Less than 25% of Employers currently carry Employee Practices Liability
Almost 75% of all litigation against corporations today involves employment disputes.
In the last 6 years, Sexual Harassment complaints to the EEOC are up 131%!
9 out of 10 women said they were subjected to unwanted sexual advances in a recent survey
56% of 616 companies surveyed had a discrimination claim within the past 5 years
Ernst & Young paid $3.7 million age discrimination suit on Plaintiff who was only 46!
Discrimination cases filed with the EEOC are up 77% since 1998
Obviously, if you have 3 or more employees, you probably need some sort of Employee PracticesLiability coverage. Buying the policy is good protection, but not the only answer. The most
important question is how do you reduce your chances of your employees being subjected to
this type of harassment or discrimination: Make your employees understand from the first day they are hired that you care about them
and won’t tolerate any harassment or discrimination of any kind.
Every employee should fill out an annual form (we call it the Employee Compliance Form) to
that reiterates you company’s commitment to no harassment of any kind, and makes sure
they understand that they can report this kind of behavior at any time without any recourse.
All Supervisory personnel should have training to help make them aware of any such actions
with the employees for which they are responsible. The best way to prevent any Employee Practices lawsuits is to create an environment within your organization that allows your employees to know that you care about them! A happy employee is more productive, healthier, and has fewer claims in Health insurance and Worker’s Comp.
At Commercial Risk Service, our #1 job is to protect you and your business against potential harmful claim situations. Call us for any and all of your commercial insurance needs.
Commercial Risk Service, 479-273-1376 or visit us on the web at www.commercialriskservice.com.