The rules of employee retention have changed. No longer can loyalty be bought with big salaries, hefty bonuses, and rich benefits packages. Today it takes intangible, non-monetary rewards to creates an atmosphere that makes your people feel valued, respected, and involved. It takes a whole new way of thinking. This is the 20th and Final edition of a 20-week special on ideas you could implement to keep those best employees:
20) Hire the Right People
One surefire way to retain good people is to hire good people in the first place! Today, more than ever, the hiring process involves much more than reviewing qualifications, checking references, and negotiating salaries. In fact, many managers are learning that employees' intangibles may override their work experience. After all , new hires can always be trained in the nuances of your business. What's harder to teach, however, is compatibility with your current staff, positive attitude, and work ethic-all of the ingredients that make for a long-lasting employee-employer relationship.
Also make it a regular practice to invite current employees to attend interviews. They may know better than you how a new person will relate to the rest of the staff. And, you'll also send a clear message that their input is welcome, needed and valued.
I hope you have enjoyed this 20-week look into retaining your best employees. If you need any more information about this subject, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Bobby Bland PWCA, CIC
Vice President
Commercial Risk Service
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